The 5th way

Aidan to complete after tim and annie say these web pages will be helpful to readers

  • Getting ready for the exercise

  • The releasing steps

    Aidan to complete after tim and annie say these web pages will be helpful to readers
  • Helpful tips

    If it helps, open my arms when I welcome

    Put my hand on my heart to identify the feeling

    Release from my heart, not from my head

    Closing my eyes helps me focus on my heart

    Give myself permission to be open to the exercise helping me

    Let go of expectations I have about the exercise getting rid of my problem

    Allow the release to happen when it does

    Avoid labelling thoughts and emotions and body sensations

  • Example of a specific release

    1. What is here right now? Identify the thoughts and , that I want to release. I want to figure out the truth of who I am.
    2. In this moment, could I all the about the truth of who I am?
    3. Can I find the one to figure it out?

    Repeat the above steps until I feel complete and light and free

  • Remember

    We are all the same. All of us wish to be happy, to be who we are;

    Thoughts are neither good nor bad. They are just words which are just sounds;

    Thoughts come and go and are meaningless. When I identify with a thought, I suffer;

    Life is happening for me, not to me;

    Every moment is an opportunity to explore what is;

    To function in this company in every country in the world, I cannot let go of the bod mind illusion. But I can see that I am not it;

    Be kind to myself and don’t push for results

    Remember feelings come and go, they are not attached to me

    My feelings are not who I am

    I give feelings the power to control me

    I have the power to choose when I am ready to let go of this feeling

    I am already whole and complete

    Life gives me what I need when I need it. Stop resisting life

  • After the release

    Allow myself to rest with and enjoy the remaining thoughts and feelings

    When I feel I have mastered this releasing method, I can do this release with my eyes open; and

    I can also do this release on the move

    I can also do the release in a noisy place

    I can also do this release with other people

  • This release explained

    Aidan to complete after tim and annie say these web pages will be helpful to readers
  • Feedback as to how this web page can be better