Healy Consultants amongst our competitors in 2025

For more than 13 years Healy Consultants studied and communicated with the vast majority of our competitors in every country in the world. Consequently, we prepared the table below with certainty.

No Why Healy Consultants Using our Competitors
1. Our fees are published on our website and agreed and paid for before the engagement begins. Complex engagements require certainty. The vast majority of our competitors choose not to publish their fees and charge by the hour! Fee quotes are low balled at the beginning of the engagement. Fee surprises and ambushes happen through the engagement to optimise profit margins.
2. Detailed planning to determine the optimum corporate structure, backed up by hands-on experience. Usually sell an off the shelf solution. Not tailored for your Firm.
3. Once a week our Client receives i) a detailed email engagement status update and ii) a detailed conference call, discussing solutions, not problems. Our Clients' rarely asks us for updates because we get there first! You will likely be frequently calling them for updates. Waiting for them, chasing your country-specific consultant. Worried. Demanding explanations. Supervising, problem solving.
4. Your engagement project manager will speak the same language as you! There will likely be communication problems because of language and cultural differences. Misunderstandings are normal and frequent.
5. Our Client can focus on their daily business, feeling certain their engagement is efficiently and effectively advanced. Each week you are wondering what is happening, fire-fighting, supervising your consultant, problem solving, hoping.
6. Healy Consultants will supply our Client the A to Z for complex country business set up in the form of detailed engagement strategy. On behalf of our Client, we supervise and communicate with all parties to the engagement including Government, lawyers and accountants, banks and nominee shareholders and directors. Independently negotiating the best terms and conditions and minimising third party fees. You will appoint a lawyer to complete one part of the engagement. You will appoint an accountant to complete another part of the engagement. You will likely deal with the bank personally. And so on. Weekly communicating with multiple consultants.
7. Just like our Client, Healy Consultants wants to get in and out of an engagement as soon as practical. Because our fees are agreed upfront, it is not in our interest to be stuck in a country engagement month after month. Because of the lack of fee transparency of our competitors, there may not be the same urgency to efficiently and effectively complete the engagement in a timely manner. Especially if fees are charged by the hour.
8. Healy Consultants completes 90% of all Client engagements without our Client travelling. The last thing you want to do is to fly across the world to sign some papers. We get it! Approximately 90% of our competitors ask our Clients' to travel! They don’t plan the engagement in such a way as to avoid travel.
9. Healy Consultants has a global view on how multinationals should invest in a country. We know how to set up a subsidiary in a country and legally minimise global taxation. We know how to open a corporate bank account in a country for a foreign company, eliminating the need for a local entity! Local service providers in complex countries tend to have a “fishbowl” view of business set up in their country. Tax must be paid at the standard rate and you must have a local entity to have a local corporate bank account. “No exceptions!” Such a lack of challenging the status quo!

Contact us

For additional information on our incorporation services, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
client relationship officer - Kunal