Business turnaround services in 2025

business strategy planning to improve business performanceBusiness turnaround strategies are in increased demand due to the global economic downturn. Healy Consultants corporate restructuring advisors assist Clients facing strategic management challenges often associated with the global economy. Following are insights into our firm’s business turnaround and performance importance services:

  1. Business turnaround strategies can be an effective platform to construct and execute a plan of corporate restructuring with the aim of improving business performance. Regardless of the global economic downturn, today’s competitive business environment requires all companies to maximise efficiency;
  2. Healy Consultants’ business turnaround services benefit international entrepreneurs, from those heading large corporations under pressure from shareholders to SMEs trying to gain a competitive edge;
  3. Healy Consultants company turnaround specialists develop innovative solutions that focus on change management and increasing productivity, hence improving business performance;
  4. As business turnaround specialists, our firm tailors solutions to the needs of each Client. To determine these needs, Healy Consultants undertakes an in-depth diagnostic review of the Client’s business, including analysis of:
    • The brand recognition of the company;
    • Cash flow and working capital;
    • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT);
    • The company’s overall vision and specific business plans;
    • The Client’s industry, including competitor activity;
    • Sales and customer acquisition strategies;
    • The success of sales and marketing activities implemented specifically via the internet;
    • Operational efficiencies.
  5. Together with the Client, Healy Consultants engineers a turnaround strategy to suit the needs of each situation. Popular business turn around services include:
    • Developing viable business model with realistic objectives;
    • Addressing cash flow and cutting unnecessary costs;
    • Management restructuring;
    • Structuring company employees, including identifying employees that are essential to the success of the company and/or reducing headcount;
    • Improving corporate culture and professional development opportunities for employees;
    • Restructuring operations to improve business performance and maximise efficiency of international tax planning;
    • Implementing new customer relationship management (CRM) strategies – business development from current customers should be considered, along with new customers;
    • Developing suitable marketing strategies, e.g. e-commerce and search engine marketing.
  6. As the value of international companies fall, mergers and acquisitions become more attractive. Furthermore, as part of Healy Consultants’ business turnaround services, we assist Clients i) obtain international corporate finance including debt and private equity and ii) identify corporate targets and partners.
  7. The business turnaround strategies provided by Healy Consultants allows senior management to take a strategic view of their company’s health from a third party that is impartial to the affects of day-to-day involvement in the business. Our firm’s main objective with a business turnaround strategy is turn weak companies into successful and profitable businesses.

Contact us

For additional information on our business turnaround services, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Simon Guidecoq, directly:
client relationship officer - Simon