11 steps to incorporating in Kiribati in 2025

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Incorporating a company in Kiribati is easy if you know how. Healy Consultants’ expert incorporation team will complete all formalities in approximately 30 days. Many of the steps below occur concurrently.


  1. Our Client i) settles Healy Consultants’ fees ii) sends by courier the due diligence documents required by our firm and iii) signs and returns to us our Client engagement letter.
  2. Our team prepares a detailed Kiribati company set up engagement project plan. This document maps out, week-by-week, each step to engagement completion. This strategy optimises transparency, and sets Client expectations.


  1. Healy Consultants deposits, on our Client’s behalf, the minimum share capital in a local Kiribati bank. The bank provides a deposit receipt, which our team scans and sends to our Client as evidence that this step is complete.
  2. Our team verifies with the Kiribati Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives if our Client’s preferred company name is available for incorporation.
  3. Assuming the company name is available, Healy Consultants agrees with our Client the corporate structure of the company, including i) shareholders ii) directors and iii) registered office address.
  4. Our team then prepares the company’s incorporation documents (including the Memorandum and Articles of Association), including completing government forms, and lodges the application with the Kiribati Registrar of Companies. At the same time, we also settle the US$50 incorporation application fee and A$50 certificate of incorporation issuance fee due to the Kiribati government.
  5. The registrar issues the Certificate of Incorporation for our Client’s company. We e-mail a scanned version of this document to our Client confirming that the company is able to start issuing invoices.


  1. On behalf of our Client, Healy Consultants registers our Client’s company for i) corporate income tax at the Kiribati Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and ii) the Kiribati Provident Fund.
  2. We apply for a licence from the local council or government office in Kiribati where the company’s activities will be conducted. The licence is valid for one year, and must then be renewed. If required by our Client, our team will also apply for any other special permits or licences (for example import permits) required to carry out specific activities in Kiribati.
  3. If required, Healy Consultants’ international banking team assists our Client to open a corporate bank account with excellent internet banking.
  4. Following engagement completion, Healy Consultants then couriers a complete company kit to our Client’s preferred international address, containing the corporate documents including original Kiribati company incorporation documents, unopened bank correspondence and a Client feedback survey.

Contact us

For additional information on our incorporation services, please contact our in-house country expert, Ms. Lisa McHugh Dolan, directly:
Consultant at HC - lisa