Increase our social media presence in 2024
Healy Consultants social media team regularly posts valuable global business strategies on our multiple social media platforms. To increase our global following, Healy Consultants is happy to hire freelance consultants to help us achieve this goal. Below are some tips and guidelines on how you can successfully increase our social media presence:
- Blog
- Increase our following by 1000 and earn €500;
- Encourage business people to sign on to our blog and receive regular global business set up tips;
- Email us interesting business information to put on our blog, including articles, high quality presentation and info graphics;
- Email us some strategies on how to attract more followers;
- Facebook
- Increase our following by 10,000 and earn €500;
- Encourage business people to share and like our content;
- On your own or your friends Facebook page, mention/tag our Facebook address in your comments and our website address;
- Mention/tag us in your comments;
- Like and share our posts with your friends;
- Email us trending articles to post on our Facebook page;
- Email us some strategies on how to attract more followers.
- LinkedIn
- Add 1000 followers to our account and earn €300;
- Search for business groups with a large following of competitors/ potential clients and revert with strategy to approach them;
- Suggest others to follow Healy Consultants on Linkedin;
- Email us trending topics that attract a lot of discussion/followers and revert with strategy on how to engage in those topics;
- Bring us business from your Linkedin contacts;
- Email us some strategies on how to attract more followers.
- Google+
- Add 1000 followers to our account and earn €100;
- Email us some strategies on how to attract more followers;
- Like and share our posts;
- Email us names of business communities for us to join relating to tax, immigration, business law, etc.;
- Help us locate trending topics on different Google+ communities and recommend strategy on how to engage in the topic discussion.