Liberia company registration

Doing business in Liberia

pay fee by instalmentsbusiness setup without travelGuaranteed solutions

For over a decade, Healy Consultants Group has been efficiently and effectively assisting our Clients with i) business registration, ii) business licensing, iii) global banking solutions, iv) visa options and staff recruitments strategies and v) workspace rental solutions.

Compare different Liberia entities Corporation Foreign maritime entity Turnkey company Non-resident LLC Limited Liability Company Private Foundation
Also known as LLC FME Fast LLC Non-resident LLC LLP Foundation
Best use of company? Single-asset ownership and Holding company Own and operate a ship in Liberia All products/ svcs Single asset ownership or as holding company Holding real estate and other forms of asset investment Hold and manage assets
How soon to invoice Clients? 1 week 10 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks N/A
How soon can you hire staff? 1 week 10 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 10 weeks
How soon can you sign a lease agreement? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week
How long to supply corporate bank a/c? 4 weeks 5 weeks 1 week 5 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks
How long to supply co. reg / tax numbers? 1 week 10 weeks 1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 10 weeks
Corporate tax rate on annual net profits? 25% 25% 25% N/A 25% N/A
Limited liability entity? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Government grants/incentives available? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Govt approval required for foreign owners? No No No No No No
Res. director/partner/ legal rep. required? No No No No No No
Minimum paid up share capital? US$500,000 US$1 US$500,000 US$1 US$500,000 US$10,000
Can bid for Government contracts? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Corporate bank account location? Ecobank International Bank (Liberia) Ltd UBA Group Access Bank Afriland First Bank Liberia Keystone Bank
Can secure trade finance? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GST payable on sales to local customers? 7% 7% 7% N/A 7% N/A
Average total business set up costs? US$11,280 Request a proposal Request a proposal US$11,500 Request a proposal Request a proposal
Average total engagement period? 2 months 4 months 2 weeks 2 months 2 months 4 months

Press the link headings below to read detailed, relevant, up to date information.

  • Advantages and disadvantages

    Advantages of Liberia company registration

    business registration in Liberia

    1. Liberia is a reputable, unsanctioned jurisdiction and is an ideal way to reserve international profits and legally minimize global tax. It is a well-respected African country whose registry managed by a USA entity:
      • Liberia is ranked as the 75th easiest country to do business by The World Bank;
      • Liberia is a compliant jurisdiction. It was the first African country to achieve Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) compliance in 2008 as well as to include timber revenues to EITI. The United Nations also terminated its sanctions regarding traveling, asset freezing list, diamonds and timber;
      • European Union also repealed its sanctions in the past 10 years, related to funds frees, log and timber import, and diamond ban. Additionally, EU remains an active supporter of Liberian social and economic development as well as political dialog partner;
      • Liberia is a white-listed jurisdiction by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) since February, 2011. It is not considered as a ‘tax neutral jurisdiction’ or money laundering jurisdiction by The Financial Action Force (FATF) or the Basel Committee’s Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors (OGBS) worldwide, including U.S. Liberian corporate register principles and guidelines are approved by Liberian Registry (LISCR) and OECD;
      • Liberia is popular jurisdiction for holding companies, non-resident corporations and real estate or commercial investments. The corporate register, administrated by LISCR, LLC is a privately owned corporation with regional offices worldwide that provides registered agent services for all non-resident companies. Therefore, no physical presence is required.
    2. Liberia Government requirements for company registry is simple and straightforward. Therefore it is easy and fast for international investors to set up their business in this jurisdiction:
      • Under Liberia company incorporation act, Liberia Corporate Registration requires a minimum of one shareholder, one director and one secretary of any nationality, who can be a natural person or a body corporate;
      • There is no minimum shared capital requirements for Liberia company formation;
      • Liberia Government does not require annual corporate financial statements and tax returns;
      • Liberian government does not have mandatory filing requirements disclosing shareholders’, secretaries’ and directors’ details. Therefore, there is no public register;
      • Liberia company can be incorporated within a week without our Client traveling to this country. Liberia Corporate Register Incorporations have been used worldwide for over 50 years and is one of the oldest global offshore corporate service industry.
    3. The Liberian Special Economic Zones provide an excellent location for foreign entrepreneurs willing to reap benefits in agriculture and trans-shipment, manufacturing, trading and related activities because:
      • Each SEZ has a “one-stop-shop” approach, providing the entrepreneurs with all necessary services such as i) issuance of necessary licenses; ii) approval of permits; and iii) registration of the company among other services;
      • Currently, Liberia has legislated the social-enterprise focused SEZ (SESEZ) endeavour to attract a greater number of foreign investors thereby promoting and supporting an inclusive private sector in the country. SESEZs provide the entrepreneurs with benefits such as i) provision of world-class infrastructural facilities; ii) accelerated customs clearance; and iii) various tax benefits.

    Disadvantages of Liberia company registration

    1. Total tax paid by Liberian full resident companies can be very high:
      • Corporate tax in Liberia can reach up to 47.8% if corporate structure is poorly planned. Liberia is ranked as the 76th easiest country for paying taxes by The World Bank Organization.
    2. Doing business in Liberia in certain industries could be difficult for foreigners because:
      • Even though this jurisdiction is not blacklisted, Liberian economy is still cash-based. US$ are considered as a legal tender and Liberia can be perceived as a facilitator of the US$ currency laundering;
      • Banking in Liberia is not a suitable option for international businessmen, instead Healy Consultants will be pleased to open a multicurrency international corporate bank account without our Client travel. To date, we enjoy a 100% approval record because of our global banking relationships and determination with global banks.
    3. During the 2014-15 period, most of the industries in Liberia faced a significant reduction in its economic activities due to the outbreak of Ebola. Over 20% of Liberian firms were shut down during this period. Moreover, the nation is still recovering from the extensive socio-economic damage caused by this widespread disease;
    4. All corporations that have either issued bearer shares or elected to retain the ability to issue bearer shares in its Articles of Incorporation must annually submit affidavits to the Registrar on or before the anniversary date of incorporation.
  • Best uses for a Liberian company

    1. Non-resident entity: Liberia is a good place to form a non-resident entity, which can be used to trade products and services with customers in the fellow African countries, free of any tax payable in Liberia;
    2. Shipping company: Liberia is a great jurisdiction to register a shipping company or for trading by sea. The Liberian International Ship and Corporate Register (LISCR), is ranked as the world’s 2nd largest merchant fleet by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). It has an extensive Quality Ship Register approved by U.S., Paris and Tokyo marine control authorities. In addition to its regional offices in the major maritime centers of the world, the LISCR is also supported by a worldwide network of more than 400 Nautical Inspectors and Auditors who are readily present to attend to the vessels.

Useful links for Liberia

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    Our email address is and our phone numbers are +65 6031 0332 for Singapore and +971 4266 4470 for Dubai. We are happy to answer your questions and assist you and your business.

    Contact us

    For additional information on our company registration services in Liberia, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
    client relationship officer - Kunal