Puerto Rico company registration

Doing business in Puerto Rico

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Since 2003, Healy Consultants Group assists multinational Clients with Puerto Rico business set up. Our services include i) Puerto Rico company incorporation ii) government license registration iii) corporate bank account opening iv) employee recruitment and visa strategies and v) Puerto Rico office rental solutions.

Compare different Puerto Rico entities LLC Corporation Partnership Trust
Also known as PR LLC Domestic corporation LLP N/A
Best use of company All products and services International trading To join funds/ properties to obtain profits To manage and distribute money
How soon to invoice Clients? 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month
How soon can you hire staff? 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks
How soon can you sign a lease agreement? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week
How long to supply corporate bank a/c? 2 months 2 months 2 months 3 months
How long to supply co. reg / tax numbers? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week
Corporate tax rate on annual net profits? 18.5% 5-19% 20% 0%
Limited liability entity? Yes Yes Yes No
Res. director/partner/ legal rep. required? No No No No
Minimum paid-up share capital? US$1 US$1 US$1 US$1
Can bid for government contracts? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate bank account location? FirstBank OFG Bancorp FirstBank Citibank
Can secure trade finance? Yes Yes Yes No
VAT payable on sales to local customers? 11% 11% 11% 11%
Average total business set up costs? US$11,840 US$17,300 US$31,115 US$16,500
Average total engagement period? 2-3 months 2-3 months 2-3 months 3-4 months

See full table

Accounting and tax considerations LLC Corporation Partnership Trust
Statutory corporate tax payable? 18.5% 18.5% 18.5% 18.5%
Legally tax exempt if properly structured? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Must file an annual tax return? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Must file annual financial statements? No (pay US$150 instead) Yes Yes Yes
Must appoint an auditor? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access to double taxation treaties? No No No No
Withholding tax on payments to foreign s/holders? None None None None
Company Registration LLC Corporation Partnership Trust
Res. director/partner/manager required? No No No No
Min. number of shareholders/partners? 1 1 2 1
Maximum shareholding for foreigners? 100% 100% 100% 100%
Minimum statutory paid-up share capital? US$1 US$1 US$1 US$1
Shelf companies available? Yes Yes Yes No
Time to incorporate new entity? 1-4 days 4-6 weeks 4-6 weeks 2-4 weeks
Time to incorporate new entity? Yes Yes Yes No
Public register of shareholders and directors? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can have preference shareholders / owners ? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Business Considerations LLC Corporation Partnership Trust
Good entity for trademark registration? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can secure an import and export license? Yes Yes Yes No

Sponsorship by a local citizen required? No
Our Client must travel to Puerto Rico? No
Temp. physical office solutions available? Yes
You need a local resident as bank signatory? No
Government approval required for foreign owners? No
Can be wholly foreign owned? Yes
Security deposit to be kept with government? No
The entity will likely be regulated by? U.S. Federal Reserve Board
Minimum number of directors/managers? 1
Group HQ tax incentives? Yes
Monthly VAT reporting to the government? Yes
Must sign an office lease agreement? No
S/holder/director docs attested/translated? Yes
Foreign director needs personal tax no.? No
Foreign director needs a residence visa? No
Maximum number of staff allowed? N/A
Expatriate to local staff ratio? None
Can secure residence visa for business owner? Yes
Other useful information
This country has signed free trade agreements? Yes
This country is a member of WIPO/TRIPS? Yes
This country is a member of the ICSID? Yes
Average custom duties suffered? 11.5%
Government foreign investment approval required? No
Average monthly office rental? (US$ per sq m) US$25
Minimum statutory monthly salary? US$8.50/hour
Average US$ salary for local skilled staff? US$26/hour
US$ deposit interest rate? (1 year average) N/A
Overseas remittance currency controls? No
Banking considerations
Multicurrency bank accounts available? Yes
Corporate visa debit cards available? Yes
Quality of e-banking platform? Good
Crowd funding available in this country? Yes

Puerto Rico business setup summary

Press the link headings below to read detailed, relevant, up to date information

  • Advantages of Puerto Rico company registration

    • Puerto Rico company registration is quick and easy. For example:
      • A Puerto Rico limited liability company can be incorporated with just one director, who can be of any nationality and who can be either an individual or company.
      • There is no minimum paid-up capital requirement to set up a Puerto Rico company.
      • The Puerto Rico Corporate Registry normally issues a certificate of incorporation within five working days of the application being submitted.
    • Puerto Rico is an attractive, low-cost manufacturing and import/export base because:
      • It has a network of three free zones around the country which offer generous tax advantages including i) zero tax on the import and export of goods ii) zero inventory taxes for foreign and domestic merchandise iii) no time limits on storing goods in free zone warehouses and iv) zero charges for moving merchandise from one free zone to another.
      • Labour costs are low. In January 2022, the country launched a minimum wage of US$8.50 per hour.
      • As a US territory, goods imported from the US are free of duty.
      • Exporting from Puerto Rico is simple. Customs formalities are quick, and the country has modern ports serving the US, Central America and the Caribbean with short sailing times.
      • Puerto Rico is well located near, and enjoys good trade and economic ties with, various Caribbean nations including the Dominican Republic and the US Virgin Islands. The island is also well placed to serve larger markets in Central America as well as the US.
    • Puerto Rico is a stable, safe jurisdiction and is a less risky location in which to set up a business than some of its Caribbean neighbours. For example:
      • It is politically stable (unlike, for example, Haiti) with a low risk of major destabilising events, such as coups or military intervention.
      • Crime rates are lower than most Caribbean nations.
      • Corruption levels are lower than in most Caribbean countries. Investors are afforded protection in the local courts, and contract bidding processes are transparent.
    • In addition to free zone tax incentives, the Puerto Rico government offers a range of other incentives to encourage investment in certain sectors. For example:
      • New tourism-related businesses receive 100% exemption from municipal license tax (90% for existing businesses).
      • Foreigners investing more than US$500,000 in a new Puerto Rico business are eligible for the Immigrant Investor Program’s EB-5 investor visa. Holders of this visa are also eligible to apply for residency in the US. The Immigrant Investor application is usually processed within six months.
    • Compared to many Caribbean countries, Puerto Rico has good infrastructure and a competitive economy. The country scores in the top 20% on the Global Competitiveness Index of 2019. It is especially noted in the index for its good i) institutions ii) health and primary education sectors iii) innovation and iv) labour market efficiency.
    • Puerto Rico companies are generally not subjected to US tax returns if the only source of income is from Puerto Rico.
    • In addition to manufacturing, Puerto Rico attracts large investments in tourism. Before Covid, the island received almost five million visitors per year, mostly affluent visitors from mainland US and Europe. The government offers incentives for foreign investors in Puerto Rican tourism ventures.
  • Disadvantages of Puerto Rico company registration

  • Best uses for a Puerto Rico company

    Because of low operating costs and government incentives, a Puerto Rico company is ideal for manufacturing or tourism-related activities.

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    All information provided to our Firm via this form will remain confidential and will not be sold, shared or transferred to third parties. If you however prefer not to fill up the form, you are welcomed to contact us by email or phone.

    Our email address is healy@hawksford.com and our phone numbers are +65 6031 0332 for Singapore and +971 4266 4470 for Dubai. We are happy to answer your questions and assist you and your business.

    Contact us

    For additional information on our incorporation services, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Petar Chakarov, directly:
    client relationship officer - Petar
    • Mr. Petar Chakarov
    • Senior Manager, Sales and Business Development
    • Get in touch