UAE company local agents or partners

Supports for company formation

Although most of the companies and business activities in the UAE allow foreign investors to register 100% foreign owned entities, some still need the appointment of an Emirati as a local partner (shareholder/member) or a service agent.

Local agent and sponsors

UAE Agent

  • The UAE Commercial Agencies Law regulates the appointment of commercial agents, sales representatives, and distributors within the UAE
  • A commercial agent is appointed to distribute, sell, offer, or provide goods or services within the UAE for commission or profit
  • For some service companies, a local service agent must be appointed. A local service agent generally assists with administrative tasks such as i) handling government bureaucracy including visas or ii) helping our Client navigate through the upper echelons of the Ministries
  • Commercial or service agents must be UAE nationals or companies owned entirely by UAE nationals
  • The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has published standard forms of agency and distributorship contracts
  • Before contracting a local agent or distributor, Healy Consultants recommends i) visiting the UAE for a face-to-face meeting with the agent; ii) obtaining detailed due diligence from the agent including passport copy, resume, professional reference letters, etc. and iii) engaging a local lawyer or accountant to review legal agreement, if the standard template provided by the Government is not used
  • The agency contract must clearly stipulate i) the agent will not interfere with the company’s management or activities and ii) he/she will be paid a lump sum and/or a percentage of profits or turnover

Contact us

For additional information on our company formation services in Dubai, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
client relationship officer - Kunal