Vital considerations after registering your company in Kenya in 2025:

  1. Legal requirements:
    • Our Clients establishing a trading company should ensure they obtain a VAT number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) from the Kenya Revenue Authority. Healy Consultants Group will assist our Client obtain the same without travel;
    • Foreign directors of a company must also obtain their Personal Identification Number (PIN), tax number, in order to be a corporate bank account signatory;
    • Ensure to register your company with for social security with i) National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and ii) the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).
  2. Investment Certificate:
    • To enjoy access to more than one sector of the economy, Healy Consultants Group can assist our Client to apply for a in Investment Certificate from the Kenya Investment Authority;
    • To secure an investment certificate, our Client will be required to inject a minimum capital requirement of US$500,000 and prove their business will among others i) crate employment ii) improve technology and skills iii) generate tax revenue etc.;
    • An investment certificate permits our Client to secure i) any license required for their business ii) up to six work permits valid for 2 years for directors/staff and shareholders.
  3. Business Licenses and Permits:
    • To secure a business premises and operate a business in Nairobi or any other part of Kenya, our Client will be required to obtain a Single Business Permit before commencement of operations;
    • To secure the business permit, our Client must secure a physical business premises in their intended area of operation. The relevant authority will visit to inspect this office space before a permit is granted;
    • The cost of the business permit will depend on the intended size of operation of the Client and the business permit must always be displayed on the office premises.
  4. Local representative:
    • After i) establishing your business ii) securing an office space and iii) business permit, each foreign owned company requires a local representative who will be responsible for the company;
    • Although the Companies Act is silent on whether this representative must be a Kenyan or not, at least the representative must be resident in Kenya;
    • Should our Client require to appoint a foreign national as their local representative, the individual must first secure a work permit sponsored by the company;
  5. Trademarks and Patents:
  6. Employer Responsibilities:
    • Our Clients looking to hire local/foreign employees must familiarize themselves with the Kenya labour laws and ensure to follow them to the letter;
    • Every foreign owned company looking to apply for a work permit must ensure to inject a capital of US$100,000 and provide proof of the same;
    • To employ a foreign national, a local company must also employ a Kenyan understudy who must be trained to take the position held by the foreign national unless the individual is senior management or skilled technical employee;

Contact us

For additional information on our accounting and legal services in Kenya, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
client relationship officer - Kunal