Turnkey solutions for Latvia in 2025
Healy Consultants provides international businessmen interested to invest in Latvia a complete turnkey solution including:
- Registered ready-made company;
- Corporate bank account already approved;
- Preregistered VAT number;
- Legal registered address
Turnkey solutions support multinational companies by significantly reducing the time spent having to register a new LLC company from scratch and wait up to a month for a bank account number. With this expert solution Healy Consultants can supply our Client a company number and corporate bank account number within one week!
The name of the already approved corporate bank account is that of the existing ready-made company. To maintain the corporate bank account, the shelf company name cannot be changed. Consequently, our Client must use the existing name of the shelf company for their customers. The business activity of the company is allowed to change. If our Clients wishes to change the shelf company name, the bank will request a new corporate bank account opening application under the new company name;
Healy Consultant’s fees
Healy Consultant’s Latvia turnkey solution cost is €13,040 including a i) pre-registered company ii) with a Latvia already approved corporate bank account with modern internet banking in English iii) a registration number and iv) a legal registered address. Refer to invoice below:
Steps to purchase a turnkey solution in Latvia
No. | Steps | Week |
1. | Healy Consultants Compliance Team receives the required corporate and personal due diligence information from our Client; | 1 |
2. | Our Client completes and signs Healy Consultants engagement letter and returns the original to our Singapore Head Office. Afterwards, Our Client settles our fees; | 1 |
3. | Healy Consultants provides our Client i) a company name, registration and tax number ii) a company office address and iii) a Latvia corporate bank account number and iv) a VAT number. Our Client can liaise with customers and suppliers; | 1 |
4. | Our Client confirms by email the planned corporate structure and emails the required due diligence; | 2 |
5. | The Latvia shelf company director signs i) the legal share allotment and legal share transfer and ii) the change of company address and resigns from the company; | 2 |
6. | Our Client signs legal documents appointing new directors and shareholders and bank signatory. | 3 |
7. | Healy Consultants’ Company Secretary Team in Latvia translates, notarizes and submits transfer documents to the Register of Enterprises for processing. The Latvia registry approves the Latvia company change of company ownership application and emails Healy Consultants proof of the same. | 4 |
8. | Healy Consultants submits the change of bank signatory documents to the Latvian bank; | 4 |
9. | Healy Consultants then emails our Client i) the certificate of incorporation and ii) the M&AA with the new shareholders and directors; | 4 |
10. | To change bank signatory, there is a 15% probability our Client must travel to meet the bank in Latvia. If the bank signatory is already a customer of the bank, then there is a 95% probability a travel exemption will be granted. As always, Healy Consultants will aggressively negotiate a travel exemption for our Client, asking the bank to just perform a skype or phone conversation with the bank signatory. Depending on Client nationality, sometimes we are successful and our Client does not have to travel to Latvia; | 5 |
11. | The bank approves the appointment of the new bank signatory and our Client has total control of the corporate bank account. Our Client changes the internet banking user name and passwords; | 6 |
12. | The bank will courier new internet banking documents (login, password etc) to our client; | 6 |
13. | Our Client receives a courier from the bank comprising new internet banking information. The new bank signatory activates the internet banking. | 7 |
14. | Healy Consultants will courier a complete engagement completion package to our Client including i) company kit containing original Latvia corporate documents and ii) Healy Consultants Customer Satisfaction Survey; | 7 |
Our global Clients purchase Latvia turnkey solutions if they i) want a company registration number fast ii) need a corporate bank account number to swiftly receive sales income and iii) to secure important contract completion. The alternative is to set up a new Latvia LLC company and corporate bank account, which may take more than 7 weeks.
View the completed Latvia company registration guide here.