Massachusetts company registration

Doing business in Massachusetts

pay fee by instalmentsbusiness setup without travelGuaranteed solutions

Since 2003, Healy Consultants Group has assisted our Clients with starting their business in Massachusetts. Our services include i) Massachusetts business registration, ii) regulated industries licensing, iii) Massachusetts corporate bank account opening, iv) employee recruitment strategies and v) office rental solutions.

Compare different Massachusetts entities C-Corp S-Corp Multi-Member LLC Single Member LLC LLP Branch Office
Also known as Corporation Corporation LLC LLC Limited Liability Partnership Branch
Best use of company? All purpose Family Business All purpose All purpose Professional services Specific projects
How soon to invoice Clients? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 2 weeks
How soon can you hire staff? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 2 weeks
How soon can you sign a lease agreement? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week
How long to supply corporate bank a/c? 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks
How long to supply co. reg / tax numbers? 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 1 week 2 weeks
Corporate tax rate on annual net profits? 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8%
Limited liability entity? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Res. director/partner/ legal rep. required? 1 1 1 1 1 1
Min. paid up share capital? US$1 US$1 US$1 US$1 US$1 None
Local registered agent required? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate bank account location? Santander Cambridge Saving Bank Citizens Bank Bank of America Leader Bank Middlesex Savings Bank
VAT payable on sales to global customers? 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
Average total business set up costs? US$8,932 Request a proposal Request a proposal Request a proposal US$8,732 US$8,843
Average total engagement period? 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 9 weeks 10 weeks

Massachusetts company registration summary

Press the link headings below to read detailed, relevant, up to date information for Massachusetts business setup.

  • Benefits and problems

    Benefits of Massachusetts company registration

    Massachusetts business registration

    • Foreign investors find Massachusetts to be the best State to employ qualified engineering staff in the US, because:
      • The State enjoys the highest concentration of Master degrees holders in the fields of science and engineering degrees in the country;
      • The state is consistency ranked on top for primary and secondary school education;
      • MIT is the best engineering school in the World;
      • Massachusetts was ranked 4th in the Quality of Life Index by Forbes in 2019;
      • Boston is home to top global engineering Firms, including: i) AECOM and ii) ThermoFisher Scientific.
    • The state offers multiple business grants and subsidies to start ups, including:
    • A Massachusetts company is a flexible business structure to enter the US market because:
      • It is possible to register an LLC in Massachusetts within a day with 1 director and 1 shareholder of any nationality, without personal travel required;
      • Massachusetts law does not mandate a minimum share capital for company incorporation. Furthermore, there is no requirement to open a corporate bank account to support the new company;
      • The state was ranked 6th in access to capital by CNBC in 2019;
      • All Massachusetts LLCs which are not conducting any business in the state will be exempt from any licensing requirements.
    • A business owner i) who is neither a US citizen, permanent resident or tax-resident) ii) who lives outside the USA iii) who only has a company number in the USA iv) whose staff and directors are based outside the US and v) whose company provides services or manufactures goods outside the USA, is legally exempt from USA corporate and personal income tax;
    • While the above applies for the majority of cases, it should be confirmed on case-by-case basis;
    • Foreign corporate shareholders need to register for Employer Identification Number (EIN) tax at all times. IRS will not share tax information with the Client’s home country;
    • Massachusetts is well connected with major economic centers across the country and is a cluster for tech companies. This allows similar businesses to benefit from each other at lower costs;
    • It is also one of the most advanced states in research and innovation, which means higher demand for investment and growing business opportunities.

    Problems with Massachusetts company registration

  • Best uses for a Massachusetts company

    • Boston is an ideal destination for engineering and other complex businesses such as accounting, financial advisory services as well as biotechnology companies that require high skilled workers;
    • There are multiple targeted State grants available to new businesses, especially in the fields of employee development and international product promotion;
    • Massachusetts is an excellent jurisdiction for tech start-ups. This is majorly due to the presence of i) an increasingly growing and dynamic tech industry; ii) a competitive and rich start-up culture and iii) an immensely skilled and talented pool of workers in the State. Moreover, Massachusetts has 17 of United States’ fastest growing companies.

Tell us what you need

    Please tell us more about your business needs by completing the form below. One of our team members will then revert to you within the next working day.

    All information provided to our Firm via this form will remain confidential and will not be sold, shared or transferred to third parties. If you however prefer not to fill up the form, you are welcomed to contact us by email or phone.

    Our email address is and our phone numbers are +65 6031 0332 for Singapore and +971 4266 4470 for Dubai. We are happy to answer your questions and assist you and your business.

    Contact us

    For additional information on our company registration services in Massachusetts, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
    client relationship officer - Kunal