Success tips when doing business in Netherlands in 2024
- It is important for our Clients to pay attention to the business culture:
- The Dutch are generally very punctual, therefore, we suggest that our Client avoids arriving late without any valid reason as this may label you as untrustworthy;
- Time keeping is equally important for the Dutch, late contracts, and deliveries could hinder future business deals. Therefore we suggest avoiding delays in our Clients administration procedures;
- The Dutch are very blunt, to point, and like details, conducting business with too much small talk could hinder business deals;
- The Dutch tend to dress fairly conservatively when conducting business, therefore, we advise our Clients to wear formal outfits when attending a business meeting;
- The Dutch take people’s words seriously, it is important to remember that exaggerated claims, and untrue statements will brand you as unreliable.
- Our Clients must also pay attention to miscellaneous facts including:
- If you are invited to a Dutch Clients home, do bring a gift. This can be something simple such as chocolates, wine, or flowers for the hostess;
- The Netherlands is one of the most environmentally conscious countries in the world, consequently, firms who have corporate social responsibility tend to succeed more;
- The Dutch have a very egalitarian social culture, therefore, we don’t advise our Clients to discriminate against any Dutch Client based on their social status or power in an organization;
- The Dutch are considered as reserved and private people, business and personal life is usually kept separate, therefore, we advise our Clients to refrain from starting personal social conversations.
Interesting facts about Netherlands?
Political facts
- The Hague, contains 5 international courts including the i) International court of justice ii) Permanent court if arbitration iii) International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia iv) international criminal court v) Special tribunal for Lebanon;
- The Netherlands is currently the world’s 15th freest economy in the world. The Netherlands boasts excellent scores for i) property rights ii) business freedom iii) corruption iv) Trade freedom v) Investment freedom and vi) financial freedom in the 2014 index of economic freedom.
General facts
- The Netherlands is the Dutch word for Low Country. More than a quarter of the Netherlands is below sea level. In addition to this, 50% of its land lies less than one meter above sea level;
- Holland has the fastest broadband connection in Europe and has the 4th fastest average internet connection speed in the world;
- Soft drugs such as i) cannabis and ii) magic mushrooms are legal in the Netherlands. Only licensed “coffee shops” are allowed to sell such drugs, although people are allowed to grow cannabis at home for their personal use;
- Holland has over 15,000 km of bicycle lanes, and bikes outnumber cars in Amsterdam;
- KLM, Holland’s international airline, is the longest running national airline in the world.
- The Netherlands has the highest population density of any European country with over 1 million inhabitants;
- 86% of Dutch people speak English as a second language. All Dutch children learn English in school and visitors to Amsterdam are often impressed with the fluency with which the Dutch speak English.