10 steps to incorporating in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2025

pay fee by instalmentsbusiness setup without travelGuaranteed solutions
  1. Prior to incorporating a business entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Healy Consultants expects Clients to i) settle the engagement fee ii) sign and return the Client engagement letter and iii) provide all the required due diligence documents;
  2. Healy Consultants drafts a detailed project plan mapping out by step the entire engagement process in order to optimize transparency and to set the Client’s expectations. Thereafter, Healy Consultants and the Client agree on the corporate structure for the company;
  3. Healy Consultants International Banking Team assists our Client open a temporary corporate bank account with a local bank in the country. Then, Our Client deposits the required paid up share capital and obtain the bank statement certifying the same;
  4. Healy Consultants Incorporation Team prepares and sends our Client the Memorandum and Articles of Association for their signature and notarization; and subsequent courier back to Healy Consultants head office;
  5. Healy Consultants will then i) obtain a statement from the Bosnian tax authorities indicating that the Client has no pending debts ii) register the company with the Municipal Courts and iii) procure a company stamp;
  6. Thereafter, Healy Consultants Incorporation Team i) prepares all the incorporation documents and application forms ii) obtains a certificate of the business premises and iii) notifies the Cantonal Inspection Authority of the tentative commencement of business;
  7. Healy Consultants applies for and obtains the company identification number from the Bosnian Tax Authority;
  8. Healy Consultants International Banking Team assists our Client to convert the temporary bank account into a permanent account. Thereafter, we assist our Clients activate the internet banking for the account and secure other services like debit and credit cards;
  9. If required, Healy Consultants will assist our Client to i) register employees for health insurance with the Health Insurance Institute ii) register for pension insurance iii) prepare and adopt an employee regulations rule book;
  10. After successful incorporation of the company, Healy Consultants will courier, to our Client’s preferred international address, the complete company kit including i) original corporate documents ii) an unopened bank correspondence and iii) Client engagement feedback survey.

Contact us

For additional information on our company incorporation services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Nik Zhukov, directly:
Consultant at HC - nik