Argentina free zones in 2025

setup new Argentina company in free zone areaThe local authorities operate ten free trade zones in Argentina (FTZ). These Argentinian export processing zones offer limited benefits which mainly include: i) no custom duties and ii) no VAT on goods imported into the FTZ. The permit to operate in a free trade zone in Argentina is usually to be obtained with provincial authorities;

Kindly note that Argentinian companies registered with a free trade zone are still subject to standard taxation requirements. They notably pay corporate tax at the same rates (standard rate of 35%) applicable in the rest of the Argentinian territory;

The most widely used free zones in Argentina are the three following: i) La Plata free trade zone ii) Tierra del Fuego free trade zone and iii) General Pico La Pampa free trade zone. Kindly refer to the table below for an assessment of these three Argentinian FTZs.

Summary at a Glance Tierra del Fuego La Plata General Pico
How long to set the company up? 12 weeks 12 weeks 12 weeks
How long to open company bank account? 8 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks
Quality of Utilities Good Satisfactory Satisfactory
Allowed to sign sales contracts with Argentina Clients? Yes Yes Yes
Allowed to invoice Argentina Clients? Yes Yes Yes
Corporate tax payable in Argentina 35% 35% 35%
Corporate bank account HSBC Argentina HSBC Argentina HSBC Argentina
Physical office space required Yes Yes Yes
Industrial space availability Many Many Many
Allowed to import raw materials? Yes Yes Yes
Allowed to export goods? Yes Yes Yes
Wholly foreign owned Yes Yes Yes
Can the entity hire expatriate staff in Argentina? Yes Yes Yes
Minimum number of directors 2 2 2
Minimum number of shareholders 2 2 2
Tax registration certificate required Yes Yes Yes
Individual shareholders allowed Yes Yes Yes
Corporate shareholders allowed Yes Yes Yes
Corporate director(s) allowed Yes Yes Yes
Public register of shareholders and directors Yes Yes Yes
LLC company allowed? Yes Yes Yes
Can apply for immigration visas Yes Yes Yes
Annual audited financial statements Yes Yes Yes
Draft invoice View invoice PDF View invoice PDF View invoice PDF

Contact us

For additional information on our free zones services in Argentina, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
client relationship officer - Kunal