11 steps to incorporating in Argentina in 2025
While Healy Consultants establish our Clients’ company in Argentina, our Firm will also provide you every week with a detailed status update, informing you on progress made towards completion of the project. Our Clients will not have to travel to the country during Argentina business incorporation, as Healy Consultants’ officers will handle the process on their behalf:
- Before we start Argentina incorporation procedures, we request our Clients to i) settle applicable fees for the project ii) sign and return our engagement letter and iii) provide us with all the required due diligence documents (click this link for further information regarding our due diligence procedures);
- Our Team then drafts a detailed Argentina project plan, mapping out week by week Argentina incorporation timelines. Healy Consultants’ company incorporation services in Argentina also include advising our Clients on: i) what type of entity is optimal for their business needs ii) corporate banking strategies and iii) documents required to complete all company incorporation procedures in Argentina;
- Company name reservation: we provide our Clients with two Power of Attorneys (PoAs) to be signed, legalized and returned to us, to enable our Firm i) register the company with the Public Register of Commerce (RPC) and ii) apply for tax identification numbers (CDI) for the foreign shareholders with the Federal Tax Authority (AFIP). As soon as the original legalized PoAs are received, we reserve the company name with the Argentina Office of Corporations and register the foreign shareholders with AFIP;
- Draft of company bylaws: our Client supplies Healy Consultants with a lease agreement for their office premises. If not possible, we can provide Argentina virtual office services until our Client finds their preferred business address. Once the place of registered business is confirmed, we draft the constitution (M&AA) and notarizes the same along with foreign directors/shareholders’ due diligence;
- Share capital payment: we open a provisional corporate bank account with our Clients’ preferred bank. Our Clients then transfers the paid-up share capital of the company and the bank issues a deposit certificate. Depending on the nature of our Client’s business, our Team can negotiate with the RPC to waive this share capital contribution before company incorporation;
- Submission to RPC and publication in official gazette: on receipt of the bank certificate of deposit, the Notary Public will issue a prequalification report which will enable Healy Consultants submit the complete company incorporation package to the RPC. The RPC reviews the incorporation documents and publishes a notice in the Official Gazette;
- Company incorporation approval: if no objections are raised by the public within 2 weeks of the notice publication, the RPC approves company registration, issues a certificate of incorporation and provides us a stamped copy of constitution;
- Thereafter, we submit an application to the Argentina National Tax Office in order to obtain a personal tax identification number (CUIT) for all foreign directors;
- We register the company and its employees (if any) with the Social Security Authority (SUSS) as well as an insurance provider;
- Finally, we complete tax registration of the company with the Federal Tax Authority in the city of incorporation in Argentina;
- Following engagement completion, Healy Consultants couriers a full company kit to our Client, including original Argentina corporate documents, unopened bank correspondence and a Client feedback survey regarding our Argentina incorporation services.
Documents required to incorporate a company in Argentina
- PoA from all foreign shareholders/directors to a legal representative in Argentina to submit company registration and tax registration documents to the relevant local authorities (AFIP, IGJ and RPC). The PoAs must be apostilled or legalized in the Argentina Embassy in our Client’s country of origin;
- Lease agreement for the registered office or physical place of business in Argentina;
- Certificate of share capital deposit issued by an Argentina bank;
- Legalized due diligence documents for all foreign shareholders and directors.
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