Business entities in Tajikistan in 2025

Wholly foreign owned entities

pay fee by instalmentsbusiness setup without travelGuaranteed solutions
  1. 100% foreign ownership is permitted in several business sectors, though foreign shareholding is restricted in the energy, transportation, and tourism industries. Neither a resident director nor a Tajikistan company secretary are required for establishing a company in Tajikistan. There is no minimum capital that must be paid prior to Tajikistan company formation;
  2. If Tajikistan company incorporation is properly structured, foreign owned companies suffer minimal Tajikistan tax and incorporation is relatively straightforward.

Limited liability company

This is the most common entity used by investors and entrepreneurs looking to conduct business in Tajikistan. A Tajikistan LLC requires at least 1 shareholder and 1 director who can either be an individual or a legal entity to be incorporated. The minimum paid up share capital for a Tajikistan business entity is US$105, though this need only be paid within the first 12 months of incorporation.

Joint stock company

  • JSCs are available in Tajikistan as either open joint stock companies (OJSC) or closed joint stock companies (CJSC). OJSCs allow for unlimited shareholders, while CJSCs are limited to a maximum of 50. A Tajikistan LLC with more than 30 shareholders must be transformed in to a JSC or else face legal penalties;
  • The minimum share capital required for a closed joint stock company is US$210 and US$1,050 for an open joint stock company, amounts of which must be deposited into the company’s corporate account by the end of the financial year.

Tajikistan branch office

  • Foreign companies looking to do business in Tajikistan without setting up a local subsidiary are allowed to establish a branch office in the country. A branch office can engage profit making activities which are only limited to the scope of the parent company’s business;
  • All the parent company’s corporate documents must be translated into Tajik and legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tajikistan representative office

Where a foreign company does not intend to carry on business in Tajikistan, it may seek to establish a representative office. This entity is not permitted by law to conduct any independent business activities in Tajikistan and can only engage in activities including market research and initial customer contacts.

Comparison of different Tajikistan entities

LLC JSC Branch office Rep. office
Also known as: Pte or OOO AO N/A N/A
How long to set the company up? 4 weeks 7 weeks 6 weeks 4 weeks
How long to open company bank account? 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks
Legal liability? Limited Limited Unlimited Unlimited
Wholly foreign owned? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Minimum share capital? (payable after 1 year) US$105 US$1,050 US$1 US$1
File annual tax return? Yes Yes Yes No
Tax registration certificate required? Yes Yes Yes No
Recommended corporate bank account? Spitamen Bank Orientbank AccessBank Bank Eskhata
Does our Client need to travel? No No No No
Resident director required? No No Yes No
Resident shareholder required? No No No No
Minimum directors allowed? 1 1 Parent company Parent company
Minimum shareholders? 1 1 Parent company Parent company
Tax identification code (TIN) needed? Yes Yes Yes No
Tajikistan resident company secretary required? No No No No
Corporate shareholders allowed? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate director(s) allowed? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tajikistan corporate tax rate? 18% 18% 18% 0%
Annual financial statements required? No No No No
Statutory audit required? No Yes No No
Regulated by? Tajikistan Tax Authority Tajikistan Tax Authority Tajikistan Tax Authority Tajikistan Tax Authority
Allowed to issue sales invoices? Yes Yes Yes No
Allowed to sign contracts? Yes Yes Yes No
Allowed to import and export goods? Yes Yes Yes No
Can rent an office space in Tajikistan? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can buy Tajikistani property? Yes Yes Yes No
Can own equity in other Tajikistan companies? Yes Yes Yes No
Total Tajikistan business setup costs in Yr. 1 US$15,850 US$15,850 US$17,700 US$16,880
Subsequent annual costs (incl. accounting and tax fee) US$10,422 US$11,922 US$10,422 US$10,422
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Contact us

For additional information on our business setup services in Tajikistan, please contact our in-house country expert, Ms. Yekaterina Li, directly:
Consultant at HC - katya