Legal representative for South American companies

Appoint South American legal representative

  1. For many South American jurisdictions, it is a statutory requirement for companies to maintain a permanent resident as a legal representative of the company. Some of these countries include Brazil, Mexico and Chile;
  2. Should our Clients have difficulties finding a resident representative of their own, Healy Consultants offers nominee representative services to meet local regulations. Our firm will provide a professional nominee to act as the passive legal representative for our Client’s company;
  3. Appointing Healy Consultants as resident representative in South America minimizes inconvenience for our Clients when we liaise with i) the tax authorities and other government bodies and ii) to open a corporate bank account. A legal representative will have the powers to complete this process without our Client needing to travel to meet the bank in person;
  4. Healy Consultants’ nominee officers will neither be bank signatories to the corporate bank account nor play an active role in our Client’s business. Healy Consultants officers will merely be the nominee of the company to fulfill local statutory requirements. Our Client is solely responsible for daily business activities and solely responsible for corporate bank account activity;
  5. Healy Consultants rarely signs business contracts on behalf of our Client’s company;
  6. Our fees for professional nominee vary per jurisdiction and range from US$8,800 to US$14,500 per annum:

    Legal representative Fees US$

    Country Fees US$
    Mexico 12,000
    Brazil 14,500
    Chile 12,000
    Venezuela 4,800

  7. If our Client requires other professional nominee services refer to our nominee shareholders and directors page for further information and fees.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

For additional information on our South American company legal representative services, please contact our in-house country expert, Ms. Chrissi Zamora, directly:
client relationship officer - Chrissi