International payroll services 2025

pay fee by instalmentsbusiness setup without travelGuaranteed solutions

Running payroll is an administrative burden. Payroll regulations and compliance obligations vary from country to country, and can be complex to understand and time consuming to manage.

Healy Consultants Group will efficiently and timely complete monthly payroll obligations for your company, including i) salary/social contribution calculations and payments ii) filing personal income tax iii) keeping accurate employee records iv) assisting to generate monthly payslips and v) assistance with Fringe Benefits Tax and so on. We handle the A to Z of employee payroll for companies of any size, in any country.

  • Why engage Healy Consultants Group for international employee payroll?

    • Outsourcing payroll saves multinational Clients’ time. Our in-house experts handle all formalities, including i) calculating staff salaries, reimbursements and deductions ii) transferring salaries to employee bank accounts iii) filing taxes and iv) settling gratuities/indemnity payments.
    • Our staff have detailed knowledge of payroll regulations, tax, labour and immigration laws in every country on the planet. Some countries, for example Australia or Malaysia, have complex payroll rules. Clients who establish subsidiaries or branch offices overseas in particular value our expertise in this area.
    • If required, Healy Consultants Group will secure a firm to onboard our Clients’ employees using their own legal entity. This firm will be a licenced Professional Employer Organisation or Employer of Record.
  • Our employee payroll services

    • Running payroll;
    • Employee salary calculations;
    • Handling staff salary transfers;
    • Calculating payroll taxes;
    • Effecting tax withholding payments;
    • Submitting statutory government reports;
    • Administering staff benefits;
    • Generating monthly payslips
  • Other considerations

    • Running payroll requires Clients to freely share information about the business and employees. For example i) employee timesheets ii) changes to staff employment terms or iii) changes to an employee’s tax status.
    • To run payroll an efficient, accurate and timely manner in full compliance with local regulations, we require our Clients’ co-operation with the above. Failure to share accurate information may lead to errors and penalties.
    • We keep confidential employee and payroll data secure.
  • Our fees

    Our payroll services fees depend on the jurisdiction, and the scope of services provided. Please contact us for a tailored invoice.

    Country One time set up fee Monthly fees
    Philippines US$550 US$240 for up to 4 employees

    US$60 per employee thereafter

    Malaysia - US$980 for up to 5 employees

    US$1,090 for up to 20 employees

    South Korea US$950 US$870 plus US$75 per employee
    Singapore US$550 US$250 per employee
    Australia - US$300 per employee
    UK GBP1,170 GBP135 per employee
    Spain €120 €545 per employee


Let Healy Consultants Group remove the stress of employee payroll management. Contact us to find out how we can manage your payroll functions in every country.