Ras Al Khaimah company formation engagement timelines

The average Ras Al Khaimah company formation engagement period is 15 weeks as outlined below:

ras al khaimah business registration engagement period timeline

  • Preparing a detailed project plan;
  • Our Client confirms the corporate structure;
  • Collecting due diligence from our Client.
  • Our Client signs the corporate bank account opening forms;
  • Healy Consultants prepares a business plan;
  • Healy Consultants visits the bank for interview;
  • The Bank Legal and Compliance Department review and approve the banking application;
  • The Bank Front Office email corporate bank account numbers to our client.
  • The Bank Operations Department mails the internet username and passwords to our Client;
  • Some of our Clients’ request Healy Consultants to activate the internet banking on their behalf.
  • Healy Consultants confirms all Client due diligence is received;
  • Healy Consultants couriers to our Client the complete original company and bank account documents;
  • Our Client completes our web page feedback survey;

Contact us

For additional information on our company registration services in Ras Al Khaimah, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Kunal Fabiani, directly:
client relationship officer - Kunal