Dress policy in Healy Consultants

Healy Consultants expects employees to dress appropriately in business casual attire.

Because our work environment serves customers, professional business casual attire is essential. Customers make decisions about the quality of our products and services based on their interaction with you.

TickConsequently, business casual attire includes suits, pants, jackets, shirts, skirts and dresses that, while not formal, are appropriate for a business environment.

Examples of appropriate business attire include a polo shirt with pressed khaki pants, a shirt tucked inside corduroy pants, and a long sleeved shirt tucked inside a tailored pants. Dark jeans styled like a business pants are also acceptable when worn with tucked collared shirt and belt (See picture).


Note: Jeans should not be worn to client meetings.

CrossLight coloured denim jeans/ jackets, t-shirts, shirts without collars (for men), and footwear such as flip flops, sneakers, and casual sandals are not appropriate for business casual attire.


Employees are expected to demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. Courtesy to coworkers and your professional image to customers should be the factors that are used to assess that you are dressing in business attire that is appropriate.

Casual Friday: Jeans are acceptable on Fridays, choose dark colored jeans that are styled to look like trousers. Women can pair these with a colorful blouse, while men can wear a button-down shirt or even a golf shirt with their jeans or khakis. The idea is to look casual, yet polished.

Tip: Keep a neutral coloured jacket (Black or Navy) on the back of your chair for when it gets chilly and a jacket will always add polish to any outfit.

If employees wear business attire that is deemed inappropriate, Human Resources will speak to you personally about this. For more on this topic: http://techterryscholars.weebly.com/terrydress.html.