Set up a new bank or purchase an existing bank in 2025
Since 2003, Healy Consultants Group assists our multi-national Clients’ to i) purchase existing banks in every country on the planet or ii) register a new bank in specific jurisdictions, like the SVG offshore bank set up. This web page covers each of these solutions.
Existing banks for sale
Healy Consultants Group Advisory Team will project manage (click link) the bank purchase engagement including i) negotiate acquisition price ii) complete due diligence of the financial institution iii) draft the sale and purchase agreement to protect the buyers interest iv) supervise lawyers and other third parties and v) liaise with the Government re licenses and vi) secure SWIFT access. Examples of banks we previously sourced or transacted for our Clients:
Country Bank license Regulator Price (US$) Advantage Southeast Asia Commercial banking Central Bank 5.7B 140 local branches & 257 ATMs Southeast Asia Commercial banking Central Bank 40m 36 local branches North America Commercial banking Banking and Financial Institutions 11m Entry to US market, 3 additional branches North America Commercial banking OCC 6m Entry to US market. Fully operational international bank. Central America Commercial banking Central Bank 10m Active international bank with over 10,000 Client accounts South America Commercial banking OCIF TBA Type A Licensed Bank with large Client base (40% from the United States) Caribbean Commercial banking OCFI 3m Operational bank with employees. Financial reports available. US correspondent accounts available Caribbean Commercial banking OCFI 19m US correspondent account available Caribbean Commercial banking FSU 1.1m Low cost international bank established since 2015. US$1million paid up share capital. Caribbean Commercial banking FSU 8m Established since 2011. 1 branch office available Caribbean International banking license Central Bank 4.5m Secure online and mobile banking;
Prepaid debit card issuer, contracts with payment institutions;
Full SWIFT membership, RMA relationships in place and EU/USD correspondent accounts;
EU brokerage account and online trading platform;
FACTA compliant and FSRA approved.Caribbean Commercial banking CSSF TBA Licensed within the Caribbean region and has no debt, no liabilities, and is in Good Standing with authorization to perform all Banking Activities without limitation. Caribbean Commercial banking FSU 12M 100% ownership and quick transfer window Caribbean Commercial banking FSU 15M 50% ownership and quick transfer window Caribbean Commercial banking OCIF 15M + 6M capital Puerto Rico is part of USA and its banking system Central Europe Online Commercial bank Financial Market Supervisory Authority 10m 30% ownership available.
Potential growth opportunities in EU and online banking.Central Europe Private bank Financial Market Supervisory Authority 30m Opportunity for full asset management and investment banking East Africa Commercial banking Central bank TBA Never been operational. Quick transfer of company shares for the sale. Europe Commercial bank FCMC 14m Established since 2010. 2 branch offices available. Assets of almost €200m. Large retail customer base. Europe Commercial banking FCA 15m Bank is designed to become major high street Bank with tested feasibility and short to long term strategy for success. Great potential to compete major UK Banks and London Stock Exchange due to Premium assets.
Europe Commercial banking KNF TBA Universal bank with its own SWIFT code. The banking license also contains a record for Gold operations and storage. Eastern Europe Commercial bank Central Bank 30m EU country with flexible regulations and ease of transfer. -
Register a new bank
- Instead of buying current banks for sale, some Clients prefer to register a new bank. Healy Consultants Advisory Team assists our Client set up a new bank in every country in the world including i) company registration ii) correspondent bank account opening iii) project managing lawyers, accountants and other third parties and iv) liaising with the Government re licenses and v) securing SWIFT access. Examples of popular jurisdictions can be found in this attached pdf file;
View PDF - Central Bank basic requirements to secure a license include i) shareholders and directors track record of at least 5 years prior experience in banking and finance and ii) shareholders to demonstrate sufficient funds to operate the bank and iii) shareholder to provide evidence of liquidity to satisfy share capital requirements and iv) professional references from independent banks, lawyers and accountants and v) anti money laundering (AML) policies and vi) detailed business plan. Healy Consultants Group will assist our multi-national Clients’ complete all of the above;
- It is important our Clients are aware of their personal and corporate tax obligations in their country of residence and domicile; and they will fulfil those obligations annually. Let us know if you need Healy Consultants Group’s help to clarify your annual reporting obligations.
- Instead of buying current banks for sale, some Clients prefer to register a new bank. Healy Consultants Advisory Team assists our Client set up a new bank in every country in the world including i) company registration ii) correspondent bank account opening iii) project managing lawyers, accountants and other third parties and iv) liaising with the Government re licenses and v) securing SWIFT access. Examples of popular jurisdictions can be found in this attached pdf file;
Deposit Taking License
- Deposit taking institutions (DTCs) are licensed companies which can take deposits from customers under certain restrictions. A deposit taking company is generally granted a restricted banking license and is regulated by the banking authority where it offers its services. DTCs can are different from fully licensed banks;
- For example i) usually there is a regulatory ceiling to the deposit amount allowed to take from public (e.g.: Hong Kong = $100,000) and ii) there is a minimum maturity term of deposits (e.g.: Hong Kong = 3 months) and iii) the financial institution may be only allowed to offer services to a closed circle of clients;
- DTCs may include specialized banks, finance and microfinance companies and/or trust and loan companies. Examples of popular DTC jurisdictions include i) Hong Kong – Deposit Taking Companies (DTC) and ii) Australia – Authorized Deposit Taking Institutions (ADI) and iii) Kenya – Microfinance institutions (DTI);
External videos
To view list of available EMI and banks for sale in Europe, view this webpage