Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Business solutions in 2025
Since the inception of Blockchain businesses, Healy Consultants Group has been providing Cryptocurrency exchange solutions and consulting services. We also assist our Clients with their international crypto-trading strategies by opening international multicurrency corporate bank accounts in reputable jurisdictions around the world.
Our firm specializes in setting up high volume corporate bank accounts tailored to our Clients’ specific blockchain business needs, and for which we are enjoying high approval ratio record because of our global banking relationships and determination.
Crypto-friendly country registration solutions
A sample of country solutions: Singapore UK Cayman Islands US Australia Japan India How are cryptocurrencies treated for tax purpose? Supply of services Foreign currency Private money Property Asset Currency Asset Income tax Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Capital gains No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes VAT for buying using bitcoins Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes VAT for trading and selling bitcoins Yes No No Yes Yes Yes, to be removed in 2017 Yes VAT for importing goods with bitcoins Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes What are the requirements for trading and selling bitcoins? To be regulated To be regulated To be regulated soon Same as for money services business To be regulated soon To be regulated soon No plans for regulation so far Are cryptocurrencies regulated? No No No No No No No How receptive are banks to Bitcoin companies accounts? Challenging Challenging Challenging Challenging Challenging Challenging Challenging -
Cryptocurrency friendly corporate bank account solutions
- Having a corporate bank account for a Bitcoin company offers the following advantages:
- Once registered, a cryptocurrency company will be more attractive to Clients if payments are processed by a stable corporate bank account by a recognizable bank;
- Having multiple corporate bank accounts for digital asset business will minimize financial and FX risks for our Clients having expenses and/or revenue sourced from several countries;
- Our digital asset management team recommends our Client to open a corporate bank account in one of the more recognizable crypto-friendly countries. An EU SEPA corporate bank account from a cryptocurrency-friendly corporate bank represents a strong support to a cryptocurrency start up;
- The easiest way to obtain a corporate bank account for a cryptocurrency business is to register a Singapore bitcoin company. With this structure, you can obtain a new corporate bank account within 6 weeks!
- Alternative recognizable bitcoin banking-friendly countries, include: i) Ireland; ii) Estonia; iii) Malta;
- A great alternative strategy to a corporate bank account is a multi-currency corporate account with a licensed payment solution provider, such as i) Orounda and ii) EasyCoin.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
To view USA cryptocurrency company formation solutions, view this webpage.
To view a list of European crypto-friendly bank, visit this comparison table
- Having a corporate bank account for a Bitcoin company offers the following advantages:
Opportunities and risks of Bitcoin as an investment
Opening a corporate bank account for a Bitcoin company imposes the following disadvantages:- Bitcoin industry and bank policies regarding crypto trade are difficult to predict. Because Bitcoin is a recent innovation, most Central Banks around the world are still unsure how to regulate it;
- Some banks may request additional due diligence, including: i) more stringent AML/CFT procedures ii) sufficient proof of business and regional economic link and iii) request for a personal visit to a branch;
- Despite Bitcoin’s high market capitalization, reaching 102.8 billion in October 2017, global banks continue to turn down many opportunities in traditional financial hubs, such as i) UK; ii) Germany; iii) Dubai;
- Nowadays, it is impossible to register a bitcoin company, and then open a UK corporate bank account for a cryptocurrency company. Consequently, many UK companies open their corporate bank accounts in other bitcoin-friendly countries;
- Some Caribbean banks require a legal opinion letter to be prepared by a USA law Firm before onboarding Clients dealing with crypto ICO;
- Furthermore, crypto companies in Bermuda require payment of annual Government fees starting from US$1,780.
- For Clients who wish to operate their very own crypto banking and payments platform, Healy Consultants Group can offer a white label platform solution with our trusted partners, capable of trading up to 150 currencies and allow instant corporate bank account set up and debit/credit card capabilities.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
To view a list of European crypto-friendly bank, visit this comparison table
9 Steps to open a corporate bank account for digital asset business
- Many of our global cryptocurrency Clients engage Healy Consultants Group due to the difficulty of the Bitcoin corporate bank account opening process. Opening an international corporate banking account is a time-consuming task, our team will shelter our Client from the administrative challenges and can supply our Clients a corporate bank account number within 6 weeks without travel to meet the bank officers involved;
- Healy Consultants Group requires all Clients to i) settle our fees ii) sign and return our Client engagement letter and iii) provide us all the required due diligence documents;
- Prior to submitting the corporate bank account application to our Client’s preferred bank, Healy Consultants Group requires detailed information on i) company’s activities (including proof of business such as recent contracts and invoices); ii) company’s customers and suppliers iii) details of the management team and iv) the company’s financial projections;
- Healy Consultants Group will assist our Client prepare i) a set of company documents and ii) a detailed business plant; to secure a pre-approval of the preferred global bank, minimizing costs and transparency;
- Healy Consultants Group approaches our multiple partner banks, to obtain preliminary approval for bank account opening for our Client’s company;
- Following receipt of the preliminary approval for our Bitcoin Client’s corporate bank account, Healy Consultants Group will collect a set of notarized/ legalized and translated documents from our Client to complete the bank account opening requirements;
- Within two weeks following submission of the account opening application, Healy Consultants Group will receive the approval from our Client’s preferred bank;
- If required, our team will activate internet banking facilities on our Client’s behalf;
- Following successful activation, we will dispatch a courier to our Client’s preferred mailing address containing bank documents and internet banking details.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
How to engage Healy Consultants Group
Pre-incorporation phase
- Our Client settles a retainer fee (click link) of US$2,450 with Healy Consultants Group when looking to understand how to open a bitcoin company or register an Ethereum company;
- Due to recent spike in interest in Litecoin, we recommend our Clients consider Litecoin company formation;
- Following signature of our engagement letter and supply of Know Your Customer due diligence documents, Healy Consultants Group can begin engagement planning;
- We agree engagement timelines and deliverables expected by our Client.
Company formation in a bitcoin-friendly country
- Healy Consultants Group emails our Client a detailed comparison table of Bitcoin solutions;
- Without personal travel, Healy Consultants Group incorporates a cryptocurrency company;
- We supply our Client detailed weekly engagement status updates.
Corporate bank account setup in a bitcoin-friendly bank
- Our team assist our Client secure corporate bank account facilities without personal travel required;
- Within one week thereafter, our Client can login in his online banking account;
- If required, Healy Consultants Group will assist our Client open a trading wallet with a reputable cryptocurrency exchange with a reputable exchange!
- As a last step, our team couriers the full company kit to the Client, including original corporate documents, unopened bank correspondence and a Client feedback survey.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
To view USA cryptocurrency company formation solutions, view this webpage.
To view a list of European crypto-friendly bank, visit this comparison table
Healy Consultants Group fees
Healy Consultants Group will be pleased to help our Clients efficiently open an international corporate bank account for a fee of €8,950.Other fee considerations
Check this list of most popular Payment Protocol compatible wallets..
Check the average daily bitcoin exchange rate..
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
Our typical Clients
- Small companies with Bitcoin-related activities wishing to secure a corporate bank account in their region;
- Medium to Large crypto-exchange platforms interested to expand their network of bank accounts;
- Companies looking to engage in initial coin/token sale and prefer to obtain/secure exemption from relevant licensing.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
To view a list of European crypto-friendly bank, visit this comparison table
Other crypto-currency considerations
- Japan is one of the few countries that introduced cryptocurrency regulations, following the 2014 MT Gox exchange liquidation. Nowadays, bitcoin has been recognized in Japan as a payment method and adheres to strict AML regulations;
- Bitcoin’s market capitalization for early 2019 is estimated at 59B;
- The growth of “crypto-funds” has been steadily increasing, and reached 124 in October, 2017. The total assets under management at the same time reached almost US$2.3 billion;
- The European central bank is not expected to issue regulation on cryptocurrencies, as the market “is not mature enough” according to Mario Draghi;
- Different countries treat Bitcoin differently, including: i) as a specialized commodity, ii) as a financial asset/ actual money or iii) as an unknown value;
- Cryptocurrencies have become a safe-investment for emerging markets with volatile currencies, such as i) Venezuela; and ii) Zimbabwe.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
Initial coin offering (ICO) strategy
A successful ICO project involves reaching several key milestones to attract interest from investors.- Choosing the optimal jurisdiction to register an ICO undertaking company is a key consideration. Cryptocurrency and ICO start up requirements vary significantly between countries. View a list of our top Bitcoin-friendly countries now;
- For example, new licenses emerged for companies looking to engage in token sale in Malta, while other countries can engage in token issuing business without relevant licensing obligations, for example Seychelles;
- To assist our Client manage their FIAT funds, decide how to start an initial coin offering, Healy Consultants Group recommends our Client open a cryptocurrency corporate bank account with a reputable bank, without personal travel required;
- Hire expert i) development team and ii) advisory board. Most of our cryptocurrency Clients engage Healy Consultants Group to recruit (click link) quality employees;
- Potential investors and other initial coin offering start-ups will rate the project’s value by reviewing i) the project’s white paper and ii) the platform’s beta version. Speak with our relationship managers to learn how Healy Consultants Group and our affiliates can assist you!;
- Evaluate your code is investor friendly. Lengthy code and readable modularity shows programmer savvy stakeholders the quality of the project. Involve our inhouse and affiliate IT teams to ensure your programming is up to par with latest ICO trends;
- Lastly, Healy Consultants Group will assist our Client to promote their initial coin offering on multiple channels, including: i) announcement on ii) social media platforms such as, Reddit and Twitter and iii) direct promotion to quality third parties and businesses.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
To view USA cryptocurrency company formation solutions, view this webpage.
To view a list of European crypto-friendly bank, visit this comparison table
Why prepare for initial coin offering (ICO)?
- The easiest way for cryptocurrency start-ups to raise funds for their project is through an initial coin offering;
- The “coins” or “tokens” are offered to investors similarly to shares in an IPO. The most successful ICO, called EOS, generated US$289m in 2017;
- Due to the unregulated nature of ICOs and legal/fraud risks involved, Healy Consultants Group recommends our Client to invest in engagement strategy document preparation.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly solutions around the globe, visit our map of bitcoin-friendly countries.
To explore more bitcoin-friendly banking solution around the globe, visit our map of cryptocurrency-friendly banks.
Korea cryptocurrency transfer solution
Estonia turnkey crypto licensed solution
Client case study
ICO friendly corporate bank account opening
- Our Client is a Singapore and China based company with an investment holding entity in Cayman Islands. Our Client specializes in developing a system for protecting consumer products from falsification and copying, based on blockchain technology;
- Our Client is a Singapore and China based company with an investment holding entity in Cayman Islands. Our Client specializes in developing a system for protecting consumer products from falsification and copying, based on blockchain technology;
- Having found Healy Consultants Group through Google and going through our Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency solutions, our Client convened a phone call inquiring to get more information on how obtain a corporate bank account for their company with an ICO project;
- After initial phone call and skype discussion, our Client settled the first fee instalment with Healy Consultants Group to commence the engagement.
Engagement planning
- After detailed discussion with our Client and thorough study of their business profile, Healy Consultants Group drafted a detailed project plan outlining the steps of the engagement and estimated completion timelines to secure ICO friendly corporate bank account;
- Our team drafted a quality business plan detail explaining i) the business activities of the company ii) KYC process and ICO participation policies of the project, iii) expected turnover and banking transactions, and iv) management background of the company. Thereafter, we provided our Client with a business plan and the project plan for their approval.
Securing a preliminary interest from a European Bank
- Upon the confirmation of the business plan and receipt of the complete due diligence documents from our Client, our corporate banking team approached multiple banks to gauge their interest to onboard our Client’s company. For 2 weeks, our corporate banking team aggressively negotiated with multiple banks and secured a preliminary interest from a bank in a reputable European jurisdiction;
- Healy Consultants Group arranged a three-way conference call with our Client and senior management of the bank to discuss the business activities and expected banking transactions of our Client in detail.
Corporate bank account opening process
- Healy Consultants Group closely liaised with the bank to assist our Client to prepare a set of corporate bank account opening package including i) corporate documents; ii) quality corporate bank account opening application forms; and iii) KYC documents of our Client;
- Thereafter, our Client compiled the original quality corporate bank account opening package and couriered the same to the bank. Additionally, Healy Consultants Group continued to regularly liaise with the bank officer to provide additional information (if needed);
- To avoid our Client from traveling to Europe, Healy Consultants Group negotiated with the bank to arrange a video conference call between the Client and the Compliance Team of the Bank for a verification purpose.
Corporate bank account approval
- Within 4 weeks from the submission of the quality corporate bank account opening documents, Healy Consultants Group secured an ICO friendly corporate bank account without the need for our Client to travel to Europe;
- Thereafter, Healy Consultants Group assisted our Client with activating internet banking for their bank account.
Healy Consultants Group successfully complete the cryptocurrency friendly corporate bank account engagement within 3 months. Thereafter, we emailed the Client i) a complete Client file; ii) unopened bank correspondence; and iii) a Client feedback survey.