Global corporate bank accounts for foreign companies in 2024

Healy Consultants will be happy to assist our Clients open a multicurrency corporate bank account in every country of the world. We are proud of our global banking relationships and determined to supply our Clients with secure, non-travel corporate bank account solutions. Depending on the country, our professional fee is US$8,950, without travel by the bank signatory. Click on the links below to view our list of Global corporate bank account options:

Non-travel banking options Click here for more information
Global banking options View invoice PDF
Asian corporate banking options! View invoice PDF
Central European non-travel corporate banking options! View invoice PDF
Dubai corporate banking options! View invoice PDF
African non-travel corporate banking options! View invoice PDF
New non-travel banking options View invoice PDF
New global banking table View invoice PDF
Global prepaid debit card solutions View invoice PDF
Global corporate banking options View invoice PDF
Singapore banking solutions View invoice PDF
Dubai corporate bank account opening invoice View invoice PDF

  • Healy Consultants will be pleased to open a global corporate bank account without travel. It is a time consuming task. As you can appreciate, it is difficult to obtain bank account approval, and even more difficult for a newly-formed company when shareholders and directors and bank signatories reside overseas. Healy Consultants will prepare a business plan for the bank to optimise the probability of corporate bank account approval. Depending on our Client’s business and nationality, there is a 20% probability the banks will request a bank signatory to travel for a one-hour bank interview. Healy Consultants will aggressively and skilfully negotiate with the bank for a travel exemption. If our Client must travel to the preferred country for corporate bank account opening, Healy Consultants will refund our Client US$950;
  • Where possible, banks will be top tier banks in these countries with excellent internet banking services. Examples of our global banking partners include HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank, Barclays, ABN Amro, Bank of China, ANZ Bank, Standard Bank, UBS and Credit Suisse;
  • However, Tier 1 banks are now less welcoming of international entrepreneurs because i) Tier 1 banks increasingly prefer to onboard medium to large-sized Clients and ii) they prefer to onboard companies incorporated in the country where the bank operates. Where Tier 1 banks are not an option for our Clients, Healy Consultants offers Tier 2 bank solutions or PSP solutions around the world;
  • The banks enjoy ultimate power of approval of corporate bank account applications. Consequently, guaranteed success is outside of Healy Consultants’ control. What is inside our control is the preparation and submission of a high quality bank application that maximizes the likelihood of approval. To date, we enjoy a 100% approval record because of our global banking relationships and determination;
  • Global banks continue to tighten corporate bank account opening procedures, their internal compliance departments completing more thorough due diligence of Clients. Consequently, our Clients should expect the bank account approval period to take up to 4 weeks. Furthermore, global banks now require evidence of proof of business in the country where the corporate bank account will be, including sales contracts or lease agreement;
  • Weeks, months or years after releasing corporate bank account numbers, the in-house Compliance Departments of global banks may decide to close the account at any time without giving a reason. If required, Healy Consultants Group will assist our Client to i) negotiate this decision or ii) secure a new banking solution for their business. Additional fees will apply;
  • It is important our Clients’ are aware of their personal and corporate tax obligations in their country of residence and domicile and they will fulfill those obligations annually. Let us know if you need Healy Consultants’ help to clarify your annual reporting obligations.

Healy Consultants’ video on International corporate bank account opening
Contact the presenter: Chrissi Zamora, CEO Middle East & Europe, Healy Consultants

Contact us

For additional information on our global corporate banking services, please contact our in-house country expert, Mr. Petar Chakarov, directly:
client relationship officer - Petar
  • Mr. Petar Chakarov
  • Senior Manager, Sales and Business Development
  • Get in touch