Staff hiring strategy at Healy Consultants in 2024

The more interaction with candidates, the better Healy Consultants can evaluate the quantity and quality of their deliverables. We can evaluate their i) willingness to do tasks ii) speed of replies iii) business writing skills iv) common sense and problem solving skills. The 11 steps of this multiple-step process must at all times be followed as accurately as possible by the hiring party, although there may be rare occasions where the steps are undertaken in a slightly different order.

To maximize the probability Healy Consultants Group recruits quality candidates before our competitors, the steps below should ideally be completed within 1 week.

  1. Quality resume – if you receive a quality resume from a high quality candidate – ask the CEO to fast ring this potential employee. This is a good way to capture a quality candidate before snapped up by the market;
  2. CV – Healy Consultants is only interested in candidates who have stay in jobs longer than 3 years. Job hoppers are to be avoided. Throw a resume in the bin if there are spelling or grammar errors;
  3. Staff questionnaire: email the candidate the relevant job web link from this web page and ask them to our questionnaire. Only if they fast reply with a quality questionnaire with excellent written english, then ask them to zoom call you on a specific date and time;
  4. Video call interview: only if they zoom call you at the correct time, complete a detailed interview. Ask direct hard questions and watch their physical reactions. If you feel they will fit into the company, ask them to review our country web pages;
  5. Country web page review: for their country of birth, ask them to review our business website country web page. We are interested to receive an email from them outlining i) web page errors and ii) web page improvements and iii) new technical paragraphs and iv) new technical sentences;
  6. Office interview: Only if they fast reply with a quality email of web page improvements, then ask the candidate to visit the office at a specific date and time. In the meantime, forward to Mark Lazell the email of country web page improvements. The candidate to be interviewed in the office by as many Staff as possible;
  7. References: following successful completion of all of the above, ask the candidate to supply the contact details of their historical managers of past employers. You to personally ring the managers to discuss the potential candidates. Written references supplied by candidates are useless and not to be relied upon;
  8. Employment contract: following successful completion of all of the above, email the candidate a draft employment contract for their review and approval. Over the following days, agree terms and conditions including salary levels. Insert a clause in the employment contract stating ‘This offer of employment is only valid after i) the candidate completes a successful interview with the business owner Mr. Aidan Healy and ii) the candidate completes any outstanding tasks and iii) Healy Consultants Group receives positive professional references from previous employers’
  9. Aidan Healy interview: only after successful completion of all of the above, invite Aidan Healy to conduct a Microsoft Team Meeting video call with the candidate;
  10. Trial period: Where possible and if the candidate is legally authorized to work without a work permit, we welcome the opportunity to work with the candidate in-house for 2 or 3 weeks. We sign a consulting agreement with the candidate on trial and all of Healy Consultants staff can evaluate the candidate as a good fit for our Firm. We can evaluate their i) willingness to do tasks ii) speed of replies iii) business writing skills and iv) common sense and problem solving skills;
  11. Aidan Healy employment contract signature: following successful completion of all of the above, Aidan Healy to e-sign the employment contract. The new employee to join our office as soon as practical;
  • Legal considerations

    • Healy Consultants Group is an equal opportunities employer and has zero tolerance for discrimination. All applications are to be reviewed fairly, equally and neutrally, only based on each applicant’s a) professional background b) work experience c) qualifications and d) recruitment deliverables’ quality;
    • If there are reasonable ground suggesting a staff member could have discriminated or excluded an applicant based on this person’s race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender or religion, Healy Consultants Group will investigate. If confirmed, our Firm will either i) issue a warning or ii) terminate employment relationship with that staff member;
    • Healy Consultants Group will also accurately and completely comply during the recruitment process with local labour regulations, for example in Singapore i) the Employment Act and ii) the Fair Employment Practises Guidelines set by MOM and TAFEP;
  • Red flags

    If you notice one or more of the following, adios the candidate:

    • A resume showing short periods of employment with multiple past employers;
    • Working in many countries for short periods of time;
    • Spelling or grammar errors in any document;
    • Too much written detail in questionnaire;
    • Medium to poor quality written english in the questionnaire;
    • Medium to poor quality spoken english during phone or office interview;
    • Speaking poorly of past employers;
    • Inability to give simple answers to direct questions;
    • Takes more than two days to revert with interview deliverables;
    • They have not read our business website in detail;
  • Quality candidates

    • A resume showing long periods of employment (4 years or more) with few past employers (3 or less);
    • Excellent written and spoken English;
    • Ideally, the applicant speaks other languages spoken by our global Clients and Suppliers (eg. Russian, Mandarin, Arabic);
    • Quality candidates reply to emails on the same day or the next day latest;
    • They get on with the recruitment process and do what they are asked with minimum questions and without complicating the recruitment process;
    • Quality candidates complete tasks in a super-fast and efficient manner;
    • Quality candidates write simple, concise emails;
    • They keep the recruitment process simple and make it seem easy;
    • They do not make complaints and look for negatives in the job description;
    • Quality candidates do not boast about how good they are, although a healthy level of confidence is desirable;
    • Candidates who worked for several years outside of their country of birth or having other life experience suggesting they enjoy working in a multicultural environment and with multinational colleagues, Clients and Suppliers;
    • Questionnaire answers that are short and simple and practical;
    • Speaking highly of past employers;
    • Their past employers and colleagues will speak highly of them;
    • During the interview, they supply cell phone numbers of their past direct line managers;
    • They have read our business website in detail;
    • They can clearly explain what work they will do in Healy Consultants Group over the coming year;
  • What to look out for during the hiring process

    • Read between the lines. It’s not only what is being said or written that’s important, it is also HOW and WHEN it is being said or written
    • How fast does the candidate reply to emails? What is the style of the replies? The level of spoken and written English?
    • Take notice of the candidate’s attitude. At Healy Consultants we wish to be involved with people who have a positive outlook on life, is resilient to pressure and accumulating tasks. It’s vital that the candidate has a “can-do attitude” instead of a “cannot-do attitude”. The person with a can-do attitude will positively look for solutions, while the cannot-do attitude will look at the obstacles and problems and appear to be stuck. The ideal candidate has awareness of potential obstacles but immediately make suggestions for solutions to these obstacles;
    • During the phone interview, listen to the grammar, dialect, tone of voice, of the candidate. Is the candidate’s voice and English understandable and pleasant? Is he convincing in his arguments? Is she empathetic and polite? Does he understand the questions asked and give adequate answers? Consider if you would want to do business with this person over the phone or in person. If the answer is no, then this person will not be a good candidate for a job that requires contact with clients and sales;
    • During the personal interview, observe the candidate; how he or she appears, dress style, eye contact, body language, level of hygiene. It’s normal for a candidate to appear nervous at an interview, but if the level of stress is excessive, then the person will not be a good candidate for the job. Also take notice of the content of what is being said: Is the person more focused on what he will get out of the company, or is he more focused on what he can do for the company? The latter is obviously preferred;
    • References are important. If there are unclear points, don’t be afraid to contact the previous employer for more details or to give them a call at a convenient time for them. Always ask in advance if you can call them.